Find A Pro International
FIND A PRO The Find A Pro program is currently down for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check back soon.
FIND A PRO The Find A Pro program is currently down for maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check back soon.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lynne Rolley Chair Delaine Mast Vice Chair Tito Perez Rios Treasurer John Borden Secretary Martin Van Daalen Director at Large Ron Manilla Director at Large Karl Hale Immediate Past President Lynne Rolley Treasurer Lynne serves as Treasurer on the PTR Board of Directors and as a Director at Large on the PSR Board . …
Code of Ethics As a PTR member, you must strive to be the best teaching professional you can. You are obligated to be an upstanding citizen and role model to your students, to your community, and to the tennis teaching and coaching profession. All PTR members are expected to maintain moral integrity and to exemplify …
OUR STAFF Get to know the PTR team below! We exist to serve our members and grow the sport of tennis together. Dan Santorum Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) As the longtime CEO, Dan has seen membership increase tremendously during his tenure, from an organization of 2,500 members in 68 countries to one with more …
ABOUT US Our Mission We love tennis, and those who teach it. It is our mission to educate, certify, and serve tennis coaches so that the sport we love can continue to grow and evolve. We make being a great coach easier. Certifications that will get you taken seriously at clubs, schools, and academies. Education on the …
The resources, certifications, and connections you need for better coaching opportunities worldwide. Join Now Certification We are the standard for tennis instructor certification. When you become PTR certified, your credential instantly earns the trust and respect of clubs, schools, players, and recreational centers nationwide! Resources We provide you the support, continued education, and tools you …
WORKSHOPS Level 1 Workshops PTR Certification and Education Workshops are the most successful training courses available for tennis teachers and coaches. More than 300 PTR Workshops are conducted on five continents each year. Workshop participants have varying backgrounds including: tennis teaching professionals, college coaches, middle and high school coaches, professionals making a career change, league …
MEMBER FAQ Popular Questions What are the steps to certification? Select your certification workshop in the PTR International Courses Schedule Sign up for certification workshop with the local organizer Attend workshop Complete tests What benefits do I get access to as a certified member of PTR? There are many benefits to being a PTR member! …
PTR MEMBERSHIP Choose Your Country If you reside in one of the countries below, please click on your country’s flag for membership information, including joining and renewing your membership. Previous Next If your country or territory is not pictured above, click the button below JOIN NOW Education & Certification Your membership gives you instant access …
MEMBER BENEFITS YOUR BENEFITS With a presence in 125 countries, and over 16,000 members, becoming a PTR member instantly connects you to a network of highly skilled coaches worldwide. Members get access to our resource library, exclusive partner discounts and career support at the touch of your fingertips. JOIN NOW SUBSCRIPTIONS TennisPro Bob Larson’s Daily …